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How Can You Earn More Money Online

Learn these easy steps to maximizing your online income whether you are an affiliate or are selling your own products.

The secret to earning money online isn't selling, it's solving problems. Learn how to take your knowledge and experience and use it to increase your online income. There are 4 basic ways to earn money online:

1. Sell other peoples products
2. Sell your own products
3. Provide services for others (freelance writing is one example)
4. Provide Advertising space

The most common way for beginners to make money is advertising. They create a website and put some Adsense Google Ads then sit back and wait for the money to roll in. Of course it frequently doesn't work that well so they start to ask, "How can I earn more money?"

It doesn’t matter how wonderful you are or how pretty your website is. If you aren’t solving a problem or providing value you aren’t going to make any money.

  •     Step 1 is to figure out a problem.
  •     Step 2 is to find or create a solution.
  •     Step 3 is to market that solution
  •     Step 4 is to make money.
Step 1 - Find a Problem to Solve

It really isn’t that hard to find a problem that needs a solution. Take a look at your life, your hobbies, your work and the people you enjoy being with. Make a list of complaints you hear or that you make yourself over the course of a week and review them. Chances are you will find some simple problems that already have solutions available. All you have to do is market the solutions to the right people.

It doesn’t have to be a big problem and you don’t have to create the solution yourself, though this is the most profitable way to make money. One example of a simple problem is one common to long distance runners. Clothes rub and chafe and it is very painful. There is a product called Body Glide that eliminates this problem. If you happen to be a runner and already have a group of friends who also run you could create a website that compares body glide to other similar products, makes a recommendation and then sells the product you recommend.

Make sure that you have actually used the product you are selling. People may have questions before they buy and if you can't answer them, they won't make the purchase. It is also easy to write about products or services you have actually used. People appreciate some 'insider' info and will be more likely to purchase.

Step 2 - Find the Solution

In the example of the Body Glide the solution already exists. This is true for many common problems, but people don't have the time to do the research to find a solution.When you take the time to find a quality solution for their problem you are already on your way to earning more money.

However there may be a problem that doesn’t have an existing solution. This is often true with processes that are difficult. One example is homework. I have never met a parent yet who didn’t complain about helping their kids with homework. I happen to have a degree in Elementary Education as well as 2 children  so I felt qualified to write an Ebook with tips and techniques for parents to get their kids to do homework. I created a website for the book and started selling. Because I am active in my children's classroom I was able to persuade the teacher to include a link to my book in her weekly email home to the parents. I was able to combine my personal knowledge with my life and provide a solution directly to the market that needs it most.

If you have some expertise or knowledge you can create your own solution. It doesn't have to be an ebook.  You could create a video tutorial or a podcast. Whatever method you are most comfortable with.

If you don’t want to create your own product you can check for solutions at places like Click Bank and JVZoo where there are many ebooks and other electronic solutions available. Make sure you are selling quality items though or you won’t earn more money, just a bad reputation.

Step 3 - Market the Solution

In order to earn more money you need to market effectively. This is where your existing relationships are so important. Don’t try to solve a problem for a group of people you don’t know. This is also the reason I suggested you listen to the people around you - they are your natural market. If you participate in a hobby, are a member in a club, volunteer or participate in a regular activity these are connections you can use to market. Start close to home, even before you have your website available. If you start talking about the solution without selling it, people will listen to you a lot more. Once you are ready to sell you can simply tell people that you are ready and can they please check out your site to give you feedback. You don't have to ask them to buy anything. If you have a good solution they will buy it because you recommend it as the right product.

Use your existing online social media as well as your offline relationships to market your solution. If you are active on Facebook or Twitter and talk about your product without selling it you will be better off in the long run. Social media is for being social, not selling. But it is an excellent place to get your name out to the public. People who have built a relationship with you are far more likely to purchase something you have recommended.

Step 4 - Earn More Money

Earning more money is the result of these steps. It is always a good idea to have more than one form of income, even on the same website. You may not always make sales through advertising or even through product sales, but if you combine these options you will definitely make more money overall.

Online marketing is always changing and it is important to keep up with the latest trends. Once you have marketed to your existing circle of influence you can expand on that by experimenting with advertising yourself. Use the increased income to try new things and so earn even more money online.


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