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Does Your Website Need an Overhaul? Self-Quiz.

How long has it been since you sat at the computer with excitement and enthusiasm and put up your first website? A day? A week? A year? A decade?

No matter when you created it you likely missed a few things in your rush to get online. Don’t worry! We all do it. It’s similar to the ‘cobbler’s children have no shoes’ sort of deal where you never spend as much time and care on your own stuff as you do on your clients.

Well I’m here to tell you to take the time to create a good pair of shoes (err…website)!

What you need to do is look at your website objectively, like you’re a new visitor who’s never been there before. Scroll around and see what you see. Or better yet, ask your kid or your mom or your neighbour to take a look at your site and watch what they do when they get there, where they go and what questions they ask you (this works best if they’ve never been there before).

You can also take this self-quiz to see how many of the website basics you’ve got down and what you need to work on:

1. When someone comes to your website and scans your header is it clear to them what your site is about?

2. Would your tagline make total sense to a stranger on the street?

3. Are you collecting leads from your website?

4. Does every page have a purpose?

5. Is it clear what you are offering on your site? (selling a service, a product or offering free information?)

6. Are you getting found in the search engines through ‘keywords’ that your marketing is typing in?

7. Do you have an about and a contact page?

8. Are you linking to your most important social media profiles? (twitter, facebook, youtube)

9. Are you using graphics to enhance your site’s image (versus bad images that take away from your image)?

10. Can someone find out how to contact you in 10 seconds or less?

11. Is your website font easy to read and large enough for your target market?

12. Is your branding consistent?

13. Can people find what they are looking for? (You got them there, now can they get to their goal easily?)

14. Do your links stand out? (Typical linking rules are blue font, bold and underlined)

15. Is your style and colors consistent?

16. Is your content well-written and easy to understand? (No extra info – straight to the point)

17. Is your content easy to read? (Use of headlines, sub-headlines, bullets, bolding, etc)

Honestly answer all these questions and you’ll probably have a little bit of work to do.

Did you get them all right? Really? Then way to go! (…and maybe you should come partner with me! lol)

If you’re like most people and you have some work to do I’d like to offer you some help. My WordPress website design course is meant for people just like you who have a new or existing website and are ready to really unleash the power of what a website can do. To do that I offer a program that runs all year long, has been attended by over 100 people and has a track record of taking the newest of newbies and turning them into website designers.


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