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MLM Tips - How to Run a One on One Meeting

How to run a one on one meeting can be different from company to company but the basics are the same. You want to show the other person your point of view so they either buy the product or become a consultant.

When you get to the meeting, you want to make sure that you are sitting in an area where you can hear each other talking. You do not want this to be a high foot traffic area. If people are constantly passing you, it can be very distracting. You also do not want to sit with a window behind you because they can get distracted with people outside.

Make sure you are prepared with samples of the product, a presentation and of course an application. Even if you do online applications, it is better to have a paper application because they can easily pick up the pen and start filling it out. Once they start filling it out or after they have filled it out, you can have them enter the information on your website.

When you are doing the presentation, you want to keep it short and sweet. You also do not have to say everything that is on each slide or if you are using a slideshow. You may even have a video from the company and you can just play the video for your prospect. If you play the video, you can be sure that you didn't forget anything.

If you can get it set up, I would highly recommend that you see if an upline could be available to speak with your prospect and answer any questions that they have.

Keeping it very simple is very effective and you will be able to do as many of these meetings as you would like.


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