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3 Easy Ways to Generate Network Marketing Leads

Generating leads is a must when you are building a network marketing business. Here are 3 easy ways to generate network marketing leads.

Create Curiosity on Social Media

When you are just starting out, many people have no idea what you are doing. If people do not know what MLM opportunity you are working, you can ask some questions to see who is interested in your topic. For instance, you could say something about wanting to get healthier. You could ask if anyone else was interested in health and wellness. If you are in a jewelry company you could ask who loves bling. Talk to all of the people that like or comment.

Drop Cards

Drop cards are little cards that have information on them. Most of the time they look like a hundred dollar bill and have your information on them so the person can contact you about the opportunity. You can put them in self development books at bookstores, put them near gas pumps, leave them with the waiter. The possibilities are endless when it comes to putting out drop cards.

Ask for Referrals

When you are talking to your friends and family about the opportunity, you want to remember to ask for referrals. Maybe they do not want your product or service or want to join your business but they may know someone that is going to be a good fit for your business. You can offer to give you some cash for a referral or maybe you can give them some free product. This can get you some extra leads without having to do much.


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