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MLM Tips - How to Run a One on One Meeting

How to run a one on one meeting can be different from company to company but the basics are the same. You want to show the other person your point of view so they either buy the product or become a consultant.

When you get to the meeting, you want to make sure that you are sitting in an area where you can hear each other talking. You do not want this to be a high foot traffic area. If people are constantly passing you, it can be very distracting. You also do not want to sit with a window behind you because they can get distracted with people outside.

Make sure you are prepared with samples of the product, a presentation and of course an application. Even if you do online applications, it is better to have a paper application because they can easily pick up the pen and start filling it out. Once they start filling it out or after they have filled it out, you can have them enter the information on your website.

When you are doing the presentation, you want to keep it short and sweet. You also do not have to say everything that is on each slide or if you are using a slideshow. You may even have a video from the company and you can just play the video for your prospect. If you play the video, you can be sure that you didn't forget anything.

If you can get it set up, I would highly recommend that you see if an upline could be available to speak with your prospect and answer any questions that they have.

Keeping it very simple is very effective and you will be able to do as many of these meetings as you would like.

3 Easy Ways to Generate Network Marketing Leads

Generating leads is a must when you are building a network marketing business. Here are 3 easy ways to generate network marketing leads.

Create Curiosity on Social Media

When you are just starting out, many people have no idea what you are doing. If people do not know what MLM opportunity you are working, you can ask some questions to see who is interested in your topic. For instance, you could say something about wanting to get healthier. You could ask if anyone else was interested in health and wellness. If you are in a jewelry company you could ask who loves bling. Talk to all of the people that like or comment.

Drop Cards

Drop cards are little cards that have information on them. Most of the time they look like a hundred dollar bill and have your information on them so the person can contact you about the opportunity. You can put them in self development books at bookstores, put them near gas pumps, leave them with the waiter. The possibilities are endless when it comes to putting out drop cards.

Ask for Referrals

When you are talking to your friends and family about the opportunity, you want to remember to ask for referrals. Maybe they do not want your product or service or want to join your business but they may know someone that is going to be a good fit for your business. You can offer to give you some cash for a referral or maybe you can give them some free product. This can get you some extra leads without having to do much.

Are Explainer Videos an Option for My MLM Business?

Discovering Videos for Your MLM Business

By now you probably have seen explainer videos and how cool they are for a business. If not, then there is a problem with your internet connection. These videos are popular and trendy and very effective for an MLM business. So yes they are a viable option for your MLM business, especially for homepages. They are custom made to suit your needs and desires. They primary are used to explain what your business is and what it does? So you can see the potential in using one, yes. You could of course hire someone to create one, or you can do it yourself. There are plentiful options for either way you go. Except hiring someone tends to be more expensive, but the quality is a lot better.

When should you use explainer videos in your MLM Business?

The best time to use explainer videos for an MLM business are during the start up and a re branding stage. These two areas are the best time to have one in production or getting released for you to use on your homepage. They'll be able to help your visitors get to the point faster and could increase your email sign ups by 12% or more. There is no guarantee, some businesses have seen an outrageous increase of sign ups by as much as 75%. So the video does have an impact once visitors are there, however there are ways to get it to your social media fans.

Social media and your videos, MLM business style

Promoting your explainer video on social media will help attract new viewers. However, you can use teaser trailers to lure in people to your homepage video. These are really short videos that tease the senses. You can sprinkle them throughout your social media posts to have a strong effect. Don't be afraid to use other videos as bait to bring others to your site. Curated videos are great tools to help show off your skills as a thought leader as well. Sometimes its necessary to use other peoples material in our marketing plan to give us time to develop new ideas. It's a good way to spread the wealth of information and to show others that you play attention to the market place. If your ready to make a change in your life, David is the perfect life coach to help you discover the inner power that you have.

Beyond the MLM Business Honey Moon Phase

What to do after Your honey moon phase with the MLM Business?

There will come a time in your MLM business, where the honey moon will disappear. Things may appear harder and goals become difficult to achieve. You may feel overwhelmed with the lack of action and frustration of the same questions being asked over and over. You may wish for the honey moon phase again, but it won't come back. No matter how hard you wish. You will have to work at the business and keep it moving. You may experience slowness or a cool down period. These are just usually temporary phases to test your mettle. You will need to work through it and remember why you chose this career.

How to handle Your MLM business after it stops loving you?

How do you handle your MLM business after it stops loving you? Some people stop loving their business after the glory has dissipated and they have felt they have reached their peak. This isn't the case, but it can seem like a broken promise, after the honey has passed away like a loved one. You can be strong and loving, even while the MLM business is going through its temperamental cycle. It can seem like a spouse, nagging or aloof of your cares. This isn't the case, it takes work and serious planning to keep it alive and fluid during rough patches. Not to say that you will never have a difficult period, hope that you don't.

There are no easy answers to provide to why a honey moon dies soon for an MLM business. You will have to look at your data. There are times when the same old style gets old and boring. People want information, and sometimes opinion. It can be difficult to look at the data for your website, but you need to know where and what to improve upon. Sometimes its simple as changing your tactics and sometimes its more difficult as a reboot for your content. Business life is challenging, but you can make it easy by experimenting and paying attention to social media channels. Your audience may or may never respond directly to your content. It's not easy to tell until you get data, so you may have to research deeper into topics that off the course and write on them. Don't forget your ads, they may need some adjustment as well. If you're ready for real change, talk to David about his mentorship program and get ahead today.

9 Tricks I Used To Triple My AdSense Earnings In 30 Days

I have been using Google AdSense to monetize my blogs and websites for as long as I remember. In fact it was the first method I ever tried (I made a whooping $15 on my first month… back in 2005). Over the years I migrated to other methods (e.g., direct sponsors and affiliate marketing), which made AdSense become merely an inventory filler. I was still making around $1,000 monthly from it, but whenever I could I would use other methods over it.

Then some months ago I started noticing an upward trend on the CPC of my sites, and I figured that I should give AdSense another try. I started applying some tricks here and there, and the next month I made over $3,000 with it (that is combining all my sites). I was pleasantly surprised, and I decided to keep using it actively on some sites.

In this article I want to share with you the tips and tricks I used to triple my AdSense earnings in one month.

1. I added units to my Big Websites

Daily Blog Tips and Daily Writing Tips are my largest websites in terms of traffic. They are getting close to one million monthly page views (combined). Despite that I was not using AdSense on them, mainly because the direct sponsorship model was working relatively well.

Some months ago I decided to load some AdSense units on the sites, however, and the results were very positive. Around 70% of the boost I generated to my earnings came from these two sites. At the same time I managed to keep the other monetization methods working fine, and no reader ever complained about the new ads (more on that later).

Even if your blog is already making money with direct sponsors and affiliate marketing, therefore, you could still manage to increment your earnings by strategically adding some AdSense units.

2. I added units to my Small Websites

As many webmasters do, I have a bunch of small websites scattered around the web. Some are on free hosted platforms like Blogger, and others are self hosted sites that I abandoned along the way. Most of these sites still get traffic, however. Not much, but combined the numbers get decent.

I figured that adding AdSense units to all these sites could yield some money, and I was right. The main reason is that, since these are abandoned sites and don’t have loyal visitors, I can place the units very aggressively. The result was a very high CTR (Click-through rate), which compensates the small traffic levels.

Don’t underestimate the earning potential of small websites, especially if you are willing to place AdSense units aggressively.

3. I used the Large Units

If you want to make money with AdSense you’ll inevitably need to use one of these units: the 336×280 large rectangle, the 300×250 rectangle, the 120×600 large skyscraper or the 728×90 leaderboard.

Whenever I tried to use smaller units the results were disappointing. Even if I positioned them aggressively the CTR was just too low.

All four units mentioned above can produce good results, but the best performing one is by far the 336×280 large rectangle, and that is the one I used to boost my earnings.

4. I placed the Units above the Fold

My first trial was to place the 336×280 large rectangle between the post and the comments section of my blogs. The results were OK. I then decided to try placing them below the post titles for one week, and the CTR skyrocketed. In fact I still need to find a placement/unit combination that will beat placing a 336×280 unit below post titles.

I knew this rule, but I guess I needed to test and get confirmation. The rule is: if you want to make money with Google AdSense, you must place your units above the fold.

5. I Focused on Organic Traffic

My main concern with adding a large AdSense unit right below my post titles was that some of the loyal readers could get annoyed with it. At the same time I knew that loyal readers become ad blind quite fast, and that the bulk of my money would come from organic visitors (i.e., people coming via search engines to my posts).

To solve this problem I decided to display the large rectangle only on posts older than seven days (using the Why Do Work WordPress plugin). It worked like a charm, as loyal readers don’t even notice the ad units when they are browsing through my recent posts, and organic visitors almost always see the ads because they usually land on posts older than seven days.

6. I started using AdSense for Search

I was not sure how much money I would be able to make with AdSense for Search, but I was not happy with the search results provided by WordPress, so I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Currently I am making around $60 monthly with AdSense for Search. It is not much, but if you sum it over one year we are talking about $720. On top of that the search results are as relevant as you’ll get, so it is a win win situation.

7. I started using AdSense for Feeds

Another AdSense product I decided to try was the AdSense for Feeds one. I opted to display the ads below my feed items (you can also place them on top, but this would be too intrusive in my opinion). The results here were pretty good, both in terms of CTR and earnings.

You obviously need a large RSS subscriber base to make this work, but I am guessing that even with a couple thousand subscribers you could already make $100 monthly from feed ads.

8. I played around with section targeting

Section targeting is an AdSense feature that allows you to suggest specific sections of your site that should be used when matching ads. You can read more about it here.

I found that on niche and small websites section targeting can help a lot. Often times Google was displaying unrelated ads on these sites because there weren’t enough pages. After using section targeting I managed to increase the relevancy of the ads and consequently the CTRs.

9. I tested with Different Colors and Fonts

If you enabled both image and text ads on your units you should be able to customize the colors and fonts. I did some testing with both of these factors, and it helped to increase the numbers. Nothing dramatic, but it was definitely worth my time.

You just need to track your CTR for a couple of weeks. Then change the color or font and track it for another week, seeing if you can beat the original CTR. If you can, keep the new format. If you the performance decreased, try a new color or font and track the CTR for another week, until you find the optimal combination.

On my sites the best results came from making the ad units merge with the look of the site, but on some sites contrasting colors perform better, so testing is a must.

Daniel is the owner of Daily Blog Tips. He is also the author of the Make Money Blogging ebook, which you can download for free by signing up to his newsletter.

Top 5 Reasons For Disapproval Of Google Adsense Account

If you are a Google AdSense account holder, then this article would help you a little to protect your account. It is observed that many of the AdSense account holder having approved account, face it’s disapproval problem by Google after some days, due to some invalid activities. In this article I have discussed some of the reasons by which it can be disapproved by Google team, and some of the tips and measures to protect your AdSense account.

About AdSense
Almost we all are familiar with the most popular search engine – Google, and its services. Google AdSense is also a one of the most important and famous service by Google. Google company serve the advertisements and displays the ads of companies to promote the product or service of that company, and under an agreement it charges a fixed amount from the owner of the brand/legal representative of advertising relations/ or advertiser of the product/service, and then pays a fixed amount to the host/owner of the website/blog/ or page on the internet for serving those ads on his/her site/page, after deducting its profit and costs. As being an advertising company too, Google provides this service worldwide, and helps the companies to promote their products as well as helps the users to get in touch with the companies for buying/selling of the product and services or involving in their activities of business.

Why my AdSense disapproved?

This question is the most common and frequent amongst the users of AdSense account holder who's account get disapproved by Google team after a successful approval of account.
Here are some of the reasons by which your AdSense account may disapprove;

  1.     Accidental click on ads displayed Google on our own page of site/blog can be most common reasons for disapproval of it. Some time when we visit our own page to read or adjust any content, and by mistake we click on any ads, this will considered as an accidental click by user itself and may tend to disapproval of our account. Because Google has a very advance technology and systems, and they track the click very easily.
  2.     Invalid clicks: There are some software in the market which is being used by some fraudsters and people having criminal background, especially in cyber world, or some hackers. They use this software and set some site for virtual visit and click, this tends to a disapproval of our account.
  3.     Click exchange is also a reason which may cause disapproval of our account. This trend is most popular in western countries, and have some impact in India too, many of the users exchange their click with their friends/colleagues or known ones in order to increase their revenue. But this may cause to a problem to the user, because Google is not a small company, it has vast system network which is very advance, and has a very sharp detection on the account holder's activities from the same IP address on which users generally operated their accounts.
  4.     Non genuine activities: Sometime Google also disapprove our account for some non genuine activities like suddenly recording excessive clicks on the ads of a particular account holder in a normal day on the basis of their past average records.
  5.     Excessive promotion of site/blog to some non relevant sites or blogs, like adult sites and other sites on which illegal activities are done are also a big reason for disapproval of one's account. Users generally promote their sites/blogs excessively in order to maximize their revenue in a very short span of time, but unfortunately they lose their account. Being patience is the one and only criteria to avoid this issue.

Google Adsense Tips Before Apply

 I know you really want to earn a lot of money from Google Adsense is Right? 

But Friends is not so easy these days to be Approved by Google Adsense. Apply in Adsense before you must pay attention to these things and that they should fulfill the Application Approved Apply for Google Adsense you could.

If you keep thinking it is ... ..

Adsense How to Apply

  1. How are Adsense Qualify
  2. What I am qualified to Apply for Adsense
  3. What is required for Google Adsense
  4. Why Google Adsense and my Application Reject or Unapproved
  5. So Friends of the Post, we are going to give all this Answer
  6. Google AdSense Why You should Read Tips Before applying for AdSense.

Google Adsense is and why you should use it?

Friends Google Adsense Ads Publishing Network, which is one of the best Pay per click system is the Work. And it is millions Satisfied Customers and Publisher. Pay on time and why Adsense is and always |

Another reason to choose Google Adsense, if we work towards correct then we can also earn a lot of money by it, today many of which Bloggers for their livelihood is based primarily on Google Adsense. And it is better than other available Networks |

It is quite good compared to other Advartising Networks Publishers on the Pay Rates and therefore it is the first choice of all the Bloggers and Webmasters | But before you can use it and it has to Apply Approved for use only if you can do it is | Strict but currently it is quite Approval System. And if you have a little mistake, then the Sheriff will Application Disapproved |

Here are some of the reasons why we continue to tell Google makes your Application Reject

Why Will Reject Your AdSense application.

Here we have some of the Most Common Reasons and Adsense Requirements to be told when you can enjoy your Application Reject |

1. Content or exclude less able Content -: In your Website Content / Text Your Application Reject Google may lack |

Friends Google Before You Accept Your Application to Website / Blog Content of values. If the Content or at significantly reduced if the words have been written and grammatical mistakes. Reject Google will still have your Application |

Content that must be endured not just in words, but it should also be Unique Users and Readers at the same time it also provides Value |

10 Ways to approved AdSense account.  What is important and how to Apply

Reject the Friends of the first cause of your Blog or Post Your Blog Content availability is low on |

Page Type / Design of Your Blog - Friends of your Blog Design is clean and not understandable to Readers and Users will be your Blog Reject |

Apply at the Friends Google Adsense Blog before your course on the Design Note, on your Blog Theme Use the template or the Visitor clear and easy to understand as well that are beautiful in appearance |

2. Privacy Policy About Us Page, Contact Us Page must create -: Friends, if you'd like to have your Google Adsense Application Approved Apply before the Google Adsense into your Website Privacy Policy, About us Contact Us Page and definitely should be. The Page and Google to create the Professional demonstrates the Work you are doing Google Policies.

3. Follow your website to Google Policy does not - if your Content is not good and Meaningful, nor the Organic Traffic Website, as well as page and page number of letters in the little low and the user experience is bad, and if Your website Visitors come from any source such Illegal or by Coding Design your website has been following your Blog Reject will be |

12 Thing Before U Ride To Applying for Google AdSense

1. Privacy Policy - by each of the first Common Mistake That Blogger. It is said by most people's Privacy Policy Page does not make any sense.

Friends Google Adsense before but the Apply your Website / Blog should make sure the Privacy Policy Page. It will not be your Blog to your website Google will easily Reject | Why Its Important? Of the Privacy Policy means that you're not some kind of a crime and is ready to Serious Business. Google Privacy Policy Conditions only given you that the Czech |

Readers of The Privacy Page Website tells you they are looking at your website and where you will be given by the use of Information |

So Friends Google Adsense before the Apply your Website should make sure the Privacy Policy Page |

2. About Us Page: As the Privacy Policy Page Apply in the same way before Google Adsense on your blog must be the About Us Page |

Base your blog and website must be in the About Page, the Google Adsense Apply before but you have not made ​​your blog or website of your blog in the About Us Page Approved likely will be 0% |

3. Contact us Page: Friends Google Adsense before the Apply Contact us Page must be in your website and blog | Without Google Adsense to your website so that your Readers this page you must be able to ask any questions, you can stay connected and always with you as well as they can share their experiences, and what they like and what do not they also you can tell |

4. Name / Email Verification: Friends Google Adsense before Apply in your About Me Page and Contact Us Page must provide your name and Email ID. Confirm it takes to make it to the Google Adsense Blog or Website owner you have the correct or not. This could help Google's Verification process |

5. Age Verification: A Common Mistake also Young blogger is they who are under the age of 18 | So Friends Google Adsense Apply for sure Before Age 18 years or more should be your your as well as your Email ID should be your right Date Of Birth.

6. Minimum Number of Posts: Friends that you know how your website prior to Apply for Google Adsense Posts should be? Indeed it is not certain | Said mean things can not be |

7. Design - as we mentioned earlier in your Blog's Design plays an important role in your Google Adsense Approval | Apply to the Google Adsense before you have to concentrate on your Website's Design |

8. Content Type: Friends in Your Website Content What is also very important because Google Adsense Pornographic, Pirated Content, illigal items, drugs and similar Other blog is not for |

9. Providing Value: Friends Google that Website / blog which focuses on the Quality Content Provide Your Visitors and Readers may |

10. Top Level Domain: Friends must be like your Blog Domain Top Level of the Domain Name Short .com .in .org, etc. and at the same time you should also be Unique | And your Website 6 months old should be |

11. Other Ad Networks: Friends Google Adsense Apply before the other Other Ad Networks such as Chitika, clicksor and the Ads should be removed from its Website, and not until then must plant them again unless you have Google Adsense came not from Team Reply |

So Google Adsense, make sure to have the Apply to all your Website Ads have been removed from or not |

12. Paid Traffic: Friends Google that Website / Blog which hates your Blog or Website with the help of Paid Traffic Traffic on the kicks, Note: Google Adsense does not Accept Traffic to a Website to Use Illigal Resources |

Adsoid CPM Make Money in 2016 is a CPM advertising network. We pay high CPM rates to our publishers and pay our CPM publishers bi weekly. You can earn more revenue from .
$10 Bonus no longer available. To get $5 instantly added to your publisher account just follow the steps below:
1. Submit your first website by clicking on "Add New Site"
2. Install the code onto your site go to "Get Add Code"
3. IMPORTANT: You must serve ads on your site for a minimum of 28 days to qualify for the bonus payment.
Its that simple. Once ads are starting to be served on your site we will instantly credit your account with $5 after 28 days of ad serving. Enjoy!

Technorati Media CPC Make Money in 2016

Technorati is a company of advertising technology specialists working toward rewarding the creators of great content. To accomplish this, Technorati builds tools and services that accelerates publishers’ programmatic revenues as well as makes partnering in programmatic easier and more effective for publishers. Technorati is headquartered in San Francisco.

Chitika CPC Make Money in 2016

At Chitika, we only show ads to users when and where they want to see them. It’s one of many things that set us apart from the competition, like:

-Our network of 350,000+ quality publishers

-Our four billion strategically targeted ads served per month

-Access to top tier advertising partners like Yahoo!, SuperMedia and HomeAdvisor

-Proprietary targeting and optimization technology that leverages the power of programmatic buying to serve precisely the right ad, at the right time.

So relax. Our ads work for you!

AdMediaKing CPC Make Money in 2016

AdMediaKing CPM Ad Network for Publisher and Advertiser.Quality Traffic for Advertiser and High CPM rate for publisher. High CPM for United States, United ...

Publishers must read this AdMediaKing review. Join this CPM ad network today and start making money. You can also boost your revenue ...

Gorilla Nation CPC Make Money in 2016

Gorilla Nation®, An Evolve Media Corporation Company is the world's largest online ad sales rep firm. Gorilla Nation exclusively represents over 500 leading web publishers and offers integrated media and promotional programs to Fortune 500 brand advertisers.

Working closely with its web publishing partners, Gorilla Nation's expertise within select vertical markets provides advertising clients the ability to build high impact, integrated, rich media programs across one or more properties to deliver superior audience reach. The company is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, optimization and execution of creative promotional programs.

Founded in 2001, Gorilla Nation is headquartered in Los Angeles with offices in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne and London.

Sulvo CPC Make Money in 2016

Sulvo helps exchanging Premium Inventory at Scale.

We bring premium demand to high quality cross platform inventory.
Our mission is to help premium Publishers to grow revenues and Advertisers to eliminate waste.

If you aren't using Sulvo, you are leaving money on the table.

Request an Invite at

Market Place by AdTech CPM Ad Network CPC Make Money in 2016

 Display MP enables publishers to maximize their digital advertising revenue while providing the controls to minimize sales channel conflicts. Our real-time platform connects buyers with high quality inventory from top publishers across the globe and the tools necessary to drive optimal campaign ...

Ad4Game CPC Make Money in 2016

Ad4Game is the Internet's Game Ad Network.

We are partnered with key players in the gaming industry. The company is focused on gamers only to make sure our advertisers can reach a highly targeted gaming audience.

Our ads not only enhance the content quality of our publishers' websites but are also interesting and relevant to their visitors.

IDG Tech Network CPC Make Money in 2016

IDG TechNetwork is the premier online ad network that provides first to market advertising solutions for technology marketers with one goal in mind – keeping our clients one step ahead of the rapidly evolving digital market.

With over 500 sites, we are experts in identifying and reaching all segments within the technology marketplace and take pride in connecting marketers with over 150 million monthly unique visitors in 97 countries across the enterprise, tech enthusiast, consumer & gaming channels.

Radium One CPC Make Money in 2016

RadiumOne builds intelligent software that automates media buying, making big data actionable for marketers and connects them to their next customer. By generating first-party data about actual customers -- from their behaviors, actions and interests demonstrated across the web and mobile, we create accurate, transparent and scaled audiences for marketers. We can execute precise targeting and bid valuation to identify customers that are in-market for their products, putting the power back into the marketers’ hands and find your next customer.

Based in San Francisco, RadiumOne has offices across the US and Europe. To learn more about RadiumOne, please visit

Collective CPC Make Money in 2016

Collective empowers enterprises with technology and expertise to unify digital advertising across platforms, screens and formats. The Collective features the latest news and resources from the web design & web development community. If you have spotted or want to share something that ...

Criteo Display Marketing CPC Make Money in 2016

Our digital marketing solutions are trusted by nearly 10000 brands, delivering personalized display ads and emails to more than 130 countries.  Our cost-per-click model is tied directly to your campaign performance. Criteo banners are created for each viewer featuring the most relevant product recommendations based on on-site product browsing. See it in action!

ProPeller Ads CPC Make Money in 2016

We´ve combined up-to-date technologies and our deserving experience of working with numerous ad networks to provide you with the best advertising solution. We totally understand what is important for you and we take the stress out of your campaign. To ensure highest possible results of an ad campaign in the shortest time period with the cheapest budget – that becomes real with our help. Providing an access to a large number of ad places on the sites of various categories and using our sophisticated technologies you will find the right spot to place your advertisement and achieve the best results by attracting the audience you are looking for.

Matomy Media Group CPC Make Money in 2016

Matomy is one of the world’s leading digital performance-based marketing companies, specializing in driving marketing results across all major media channels. Combining our internal media capabilities with dedicated service and advanced optimization, we ensure high revenue for our publishers and quality leads and sales for our advertising partners.

Matomy Media Group serves 120 billion impressions per month for 2,000 of the world’s leading advertisers across 16,000 publishers and media partners in 100 countries, and enables optimizing campaigns across all digital media to ensure cost-effective, controlled and high quality results.

For more information, please visit

Rhythmone Media CPC Make Money in 2016

RhythmOne connects audiences, brands and content across devices at scale. We help advertisers maximize ROI by providing the most efficient marketplace for digital advertising. Our cross-screen platform provides a highly scalable, brand safe environment for advertisers to reach audiences at scale, and access video, rich media, display, social and native ad formats.

AdCash CPC Make Money in 2016

Adcash is a technology-driven advertising network, that delivers high performing solutions to online publishers and brand advertisers globally. Each month, Adcash serves 20 billion ad impressions around the world on all major desktop and mobile devices.

With Adcash, publishers are able to monetize their digital content with relevant ad campaigns at industry-leading rates. For Advertisers, Adcash provides the reach they need to engage with their target audience across a network of top-tier publishers,

worldwide.Whether in our headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia or in one of our branch offices in France, Bulgaria, Mexico or Spain, our diverse and experienced team works tirelessly to ensure you get the best results.To read more about Adcash, visit

Advertising CPC Make Money in 2016, a division of AOL Platforms, is a massive premium, cross-screen network with 596M global unique visitors, programmatic buying, a proprietary DSP, and network-exclusive access to AOL inventory. enables the world’s top marketers and media brands to reach consumers across desktop, mobile, tablet and connected TVs with impact through premium experiences, programmatic buying and performance driven campaigns. We are the global partner of choice for leading publishers, advertisers and agencies seeking to maximize the value of their online brands. CPC Make Money in 2016 is the premier advertising platform for Contextual PPC, Display, Mobile, Video, and Remarketing traffic, enabling advertisers to reach a wider audience through our exclusive network of publisher properties. Founded in 2001, continues to “redefine the Ad Network” – connecting thousands of advertisers with millions of consumers every day.Our mission is to provide advertisers with quality traffic that converts, and publishers with competitive listings that yield high revenues. Using our patented ClickShield fraud protection software, guarantees high-quality traffic for both advertisers and publishers.

Conversant Media CPM Make Money in 2016

The leader in personalized digital marketing, transforming the industry through cutting-edge technology, bold creative and a staggering amount of data. Our roster of 4,000 clients includes 400+ blue chip brands and 65 of the Internet Retailer Top 100. Coupled with the world's largest affiliate marketing network, CJ Affiliate, we drive measurable, remarkable results. Conversant is a division of Epsilon, the global leader in creating customer connections that build brand and business equity.
 For more information, please visit

Vibrant Media CPM Make Money in 2016

Vibrant Media Inc. provides advertising, content marketing, programmatic, contextual online advertising, and digital marketing solutions. Its advertising solutions are designed to support online advertising objectives, such as raising brand awareness, brand engagement, and driving qualified traffic. The company’s advertising solutions include Vibrant Engage, a portfolio of full screen take over units that connect consumers with high impact and engaging brand experiences; Vibrant Reach ad solutions, which are tailored for brand awareness campaigns; and Vibrant In-Image that takes content connections by leveraging the power of editorial imagery. Its content marketing solutions enable marketers...

Exponential CPM Make Money in 2016

Exponential Interactive delivers innovative advertising experiences that transform the way brands interact with audiences across desktop and mobile. Exponential’s platform fuses one of the largest global digital media footprints and proprietary data with user-centric ad formats designed to drive engagement and action. Creativity and audience insights form the foundation for building smarter, more relevant solutions for advertisers and publishers. Exponential was founded in 2001 and has locations in 22 countries. For more information, please visit

Google joins Facebook's game-changing project that's eating the $140 billion hardware market

An engineer works on racks of computers inside a Google data center.

If the hardware industry was nervous about Facebook's game-changing Open Compute Project before, it should now be downright terrified now: Google is now finally on board.
OCP, the extraordinary project that started as a controversial idea inside Facebook about five years ago, is revolutionizing the computer hardware industry. Google's news was announced as part of the OCP tech conference taking place in San Jose this week.

OCP is doing for hardware what Linux, Android, and many other popular products did for software: making it free and "open source."

Anyone can take OCP's hardware designs, change them, and contribute to them, with contract manufacturers standing by to build those pieces.

Creativity is flowing through OCP, where engineers can freely collaborate without worry about protecting their secrets. The project's participants are inventing new ways to build computer servers, storage, and networks that are faster and cheaper to use than the commercial counterparts from companies like HP, Dell, IBM and Cisco.

In fact, HP and Dell are already on board with OCP, creating lines of servers that comply with OCP standards. HP has also agreed to become a contract manufacturer.

But Google had been conspicuously absent from OCP, even as other big companies that run huge data centers, from Microsoft to Goldman Sachs, joined and voiced their support

Like Facebook, Google designs and builds its own hardware for its own data centers.

Even last year, Google's legendary data center engineer, Urs Holzle, offered a begrudging respect for the OCP project while simultaneously pooh-poohing its importance.

His take was that open source hardware was a nice idea, but the project's designs so far were a "bit basic" and its impact would be minimal because most businesses will be using cloud computing from Google and others, instead of buying their own hardware, he told Business Insider.

He's got a point about how companies are using clouds instead of buying computers. But that's why OCP has been such a big deal. Cloud players aren't buying that stuff from the classic commercial players either. They are building their own with OCP.

Like all open source projects, OCP is a give-and-take idea. You take and use all the designs, but ideally, you will also contribute to them.

So for Google's first contribution, it's offering designs for building greener, more energy-efficient computer racks. Data center racks are designed to hold and power many computer servers.

And there's more where that came from. Google wants to work with the OCP community to share designs for its computer storage disks, greener computer servers, and better network management tools.

"Today's launch is a first step in a larger effort. We think there are other areas of possible collaboration with OCP," wrote John Zipfel, Technical Program Manager for Google in a blog post. "We look forward to new and exciting advancements to come with the OCP community."

Meet the man, a fraudster who owns 150 cars, 3,078 bank accounts, 700 acres land and much more

In what could be termed as the biggest revelation on an Indian businessman who has been named as a fraudster. As per an Economic Times report, Rose Valley Group's CMD Gautam Kundu has a total of 700 acres land spread across 12 states, 23 hotels, 150-odd cars, including a dozen imported luxury vehicles, 900 branch offices and 3,078 bank accounts.

The businesses are spread across the nation; and include states like West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, MP, Tripura, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh.

The directorate, however, has started listing the properties and assets but investigators have alleged possibility of more possessions. They claim that the quantum of land Kundu owns could be over 1,000 acres.

The group, in the past few years, has gained a wealth of Rs 15,400 crore- six times higher than what the redundant Saradha group collected from people in Bengal, Bihar and Odisha.

The investigating agency, ED which is now looking into the complaints against the group, has accessed the software and bank data of the company. The bank details of the firm revealed that the group returned only Rs 900 crore to its investors on maturity. Yogesh Gupta, special director, ED, east confirmed to ET that it has filed a charge sheet in the matter.

The list of Kundu's property, prepared by the investigating company claims that Kundu owns 15 acres in Assam, 10 acres in Madhya Pradesh, 110 acres in Tripura and around 100 acres in West Bengal. Also, it says that he invested in East Midnapore, West Midnapore, Burdwan, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri , Howrah, Bankura, North and South 24 Paraganas districts.

In East Midnapore alone, he has 12 plots. The group had also claimed to have bought property in Kolkata, Port Blair, North Lakhimpur, Ranchi, Durgapur, Siliguri, Mondarmani, Lataguri, Falakata, Midnapore, Tarapith, Old Digha, Silchar, Haridwar, Goa, Gaya, Jaipur and New Delhi.

Not just this, but some 23-odd hotels across the country, which includes luxury properties in Jaipur, Jalpaiguri, East Midnapore, Siliguri and Kolkata, were also listed. It has seven premium residencies at the northern fringes of Kolkata; a 6,000 square feet villa in Ranchi and a gold and diamond jewellery mall. The group has 900 branches spread over West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Assam, Punjab, Delhi and Andhra Pradesh.

Mars soil successfully grow vegetables

A successful experiment has been carried out by scientists at Wageningen University, under lead scientist Dr Wieger Wamelink to replicate the soil conditions found on planet Mars and grow vegetables. The results have been good and according to Dr Wamelink, the yields came surprisingly close to those grown in normal compost. The species that were grown were tomato, rye, radish, pea, leek, spinach, rocket, cress, quinoa, and chives and it appears that six of these were successfully harvested. 

If all of this reminds readers that something similar took place in the sci-fi movie The Martian, they would be correct as we are reminded that in the movie, astronaut Mark Warney, who was played by Matt Damon, also grew vegetables when he became stranded on the Red Planet. This led the researchers to try to emulate him, which they have done.

As Dr Wamelink pointed out, Mars simulated soil is fine as long as it’s prepared and well-watered, much better than moon soil, and whilst crops grew in this, they did only half as well. The project was the second attempt to try to see what kind of gardening could be done by any future settlers on the moon and Mars. The soils used in the experiments were supplied to the Netherlands by the American space agency NASA; these were designed to be as close as it is possible to the real thing and were obtained from a Hawaiian volcano for the “Martian” style and the “lunar” soil came from the Arizona desert.

Naturally the experiment could not simulate exactly the growing conditions on Mars, growing on the surface would be virtually impossible because the planet is constantly being bombarded by energetic particles, making it impossible. They could however be grown in underground rooms to protect the plants from the hostile environment, including cosmic radiation.

In case anyone was wondering, unlike astronaut Mark Warney, the researchers did not eat their vegetables, due as Dr Wamelink explained, the soils containing heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury and also a lot of iron.


10 Gadgets You Never Knew You Always Wanted

Tile is a wonderful gadget for those who keep losing stuff. How many times have you been late to work because you spent ages looking for your keys or your wallet? You can stick this little gadget to anything you worry you might lose: your laptop, keys, wallet, bike, luggage, anything you want. It works by sending out signals to the app on your phone and shows you when you’re getting closer to the object you’re looking for.

You can also program the tile gadget to ring and find your missing belongings by sound. If you lost something outside your flat and are worried it might’ve gotten stolen, you can mark that object as “lost” on your phone. The tile gadget will automatically send out a signal to all other tile users and if anyone gets into close proximity of that object you’ll get a notification with it’s location.


10 Gadgets You Never Knew You Always Wanted

Vessyl is a unique gadget that will help you keep hydrated and will track what you drink for you. This gadget is being advertised as “the cup that knows what’s inside”. It’s almost like magic. The cup can calculate the calories that you drink and help you manage your weight. You don’t have to type anything in, you don’t have to input ingredients, it just knows automatically.

This amazing gadget can be easily connected to your iPhone or Android and automatically update your drinking calories. It can also be linked to popular fitness apps and work out exactly how much you should be drinking according to your activity level. Surprisingly this high tech gadget is dishwasher friendly and can be put in the fridge.

Variable Frame Bike

This bicycle is made with comfort and versatility in mind. The bicycle’s frame can be changed depending on your needs. For example, when you’re in the city and in a rush you’d use the normal upright position. It’s optimal for speed and getting you from point A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible. It also gives you more control over the bike it case you need to ride through some traffic.

But if you want a relaxing ride in the park or you’ve gotten out of the city and into the countryside and want have a leisurely ride and enjoy the view you’d be much more comfortable in the reclining position. The best part is that you don’t even have to get off the bike to switch modes. You just push a lever and lean forward or backwards depending what mode you’d like your bicycle to be in.

T-bike by Jung Geun Tak & Shinhyun Kang of T.A.K studio

This futuristic bicycle looks pretty amazing too us. Just the design of this bike makes it very appealing, it’s sleek, minimalist and functional. The T-bike has some cool tech specs too. The handlebars of the bicycle are fordable which makes it easier to take it with you on public transport or park it small spaces, and they also work as a lock.

The T-bicycle was designed as a city bike, with the idea of it being used by many people throughout the day, therefore it features a display that can show mileage, time you spend using the bike and the time you’ve got left for use. This bicycle also features a built in GPS system that can help you get to your desired destination. The GPS is also handy in case of theft and the bicycle can be tracked.

Taurus Seat-less Bike by Julia Meyer

This bicycle has taken an extra step when it comes to fitness and workouts. It doesn’t have a seat. The idea behind the creation of this bicycle is that we already spend a lot of time sitting down, and even though normal bicycles with seat provide us with some form of physical exercise it’s still not enough. The Taurus Seat-less bicycle is designed in a way where, when on the bike,  your body will be tilted in a way that puts your legs into a perfect position for a great workout.

This bicycle is designed for children, so that your kids can become health and fitness conscious from a young age. Since the bicycle is made for kids it’s quite small and compact, the wheels and the handlebars are detachable, for easy storage at home or for transportation in the trunk of a car.

Green Shadow Bike by Mr. Onuff

This bicycle is green on many levels. It’s not just a color, it’s also environmentally safe. The Green Shadow also has some pretty awesome and impressive technical features. It has a built in computer that can help you monitor your health and keep track of the miles. So you’ll always know how many miles you cycled and how that benefited you health, or how many calories you burned.

This bicycle can even track your heart-rate. Unfortunately, this concept was designed for a game and not for actual production, but it’s still an interesting bicycle when you consider that it’s not impossible to make one like this. For all we know it might  become a reality one day. A lot of things that we own now where just a fantasy 10 years ago.

Carrier Bike by Shin Hyung Sub Shin

If the only reason you haven’t been using a bicycle is because it has no place to store your belongings you’re in for a treat. The carrier bike has a special compartment in the middle that has more than enough space to store whatever you need in the day. You can put your briefcase or a handbag there. You can use it to store a change of clothing if you work at a place that has a uniform.

You can even put a pair of changing shoes in there, so you can wear comfy sneakers while you’re bicycling and change into your stylish office shoes when you get to work. The bicycle is also a bit of a transformer. It can be folded up to resemble a shopping cart, so you can wheel it around with you in the supermarket and use it to carry your produce. So now you can even use your bike when shopping.

Backpack Bicycle by Chang Ting Jen

If you love bicycling and want to take your bike with you everywhere you go, this Backpack Bicycle is for you. You literally can’t get more compact that this. The bicycle weighs about 5 kilograms, which isn’t that much when you think about. The designer also says that it might become lighter as the metal parts can be replaced by plastic ones.

The Backpack bicycle was made to suit the needs of people who live in the city but like to explore. It’s very compact, so you can easily take it with you as a backpack when using public transportation, but once you’re outside you can unfold it and you’re ready to cycle. It’s also a great idea for those who don’t want to leave their bikes chained on the street when they’re out and about, or need to go to the mall.

X Bike

This new mini-bicycle is perfect for people who appreciate comfort and mobility. This bicycle is shaped like the letter “X” and can be folded up when needed. The folding is done in 6 easy steps thanks to the quick-release skewer mechanism. Another prominent detail that we’d like to mention is that this bike, unlike most bikes, doesn’t use chains or cables. You heard it tight, no chains.

It’s no secret to cyclists that the most easily broken part of the bicycle is the chain. That’s the first detail that usually needs fixing or replacing. Well, with the X Bike you can forget about it, no more chains. This bicycle is also health conscious. It has a specially designed prostatitis preventing seat.

ECO // 07 – Compactable Urban Bicycle

Whoever came up with this bicycle concept decided to reinvent the wheel. This bicycle can be disassembled completely. Even the wheels fold up. The secret is in the wheels. Each wheel consists of 6 modules that can be separated and folded up to save up space.

This is a great option for transporting your bike. For example if you’re moving to another city, you won’t have to look like a crazy person with the bike tied to the roof of your car. You can just fold it up and put it in the trunk. It’s also a great solution for people who like taking their bicycles on vacation. Since it’s so compact you can just take it on a plane in a suitcase.

24/7 City Pedelec by Philipp Guenther

This futuristic looking bicycle is a perfect city bike. It’s designed with that idea in mind. This bicycle is heavy duty and is made to last for a long time without breaking down. All of it’s chains, cables and vulnerable parts are hidden inside the heavy frame, which protects the bike from damage and daily wear and tear.

City bicycles are used all day by many different people or various sizes and proportions. 24/7 City Pedelec has an automatically adjusting seat, which is helpful if the bicycle is being used by many people. The bicycle also has a built in motor that allows you to ride the bicycle in a relaxed way without much effort, without sacrificing the speed.